What’s Fasting Got To Do With It? 

by Julie Lockyer, Events Scheduler and Receptionist

Nine and a-half-years ago I was working as an Educational Assistant with 7th and 8th grade Special Education students. I enjoyed working with them, had a lot of time off, and finished my day at 2:30PM. 

Since I got off early and worked in Kaneohe, I had time to volunteer at First Prez. I got to work with Linda, Ivonne, and Beth. I always enjoyed going in to help! One day I found out Ivonne was moving back to the mainland, and she thought I would be a good fit to take her position. I was not interested at all in working full-time and giving up a job that I really enjoyed. I knew I was making a difference in the lives of the kids I worked with. So I said no thanks, not interested.I thought that was the end of it. Boy, was I wrong. God had different plans for me. 

I didn’t sleep well that night. I kept tossing and turning, struggling with not wanting to apply for the job at church. When I got up the following morning, I had a feeling I was fighting with God. About a week later, Linda encouraged me to apply. I gave her my resumé just to appease her. I also set up an interview with Ron Mathieu. My plan was to hear what he had to say, then politely decline, if offered the position. 

First Prez was getting ready to do the Daniel Fast during that time, so I figured fasting was the best way to hear God and see what He really wanted for me. But inside, I was still saying no.

I was volunteering for Hawaiian Islands Ministries as the day of my interview drew closer. I was still struggling with the decision. I saw one of my former students, who came up to me to say hi. I started to cry thinking if I took the job at First Prez, I wouldn’t be making a difference anymore. Nope, I still didn’t want the job at church. There were only a couple of days left before the fast ended, and I still hadn’t heard from God.

And then came that Sunday morning! I remember it so clearly! During my devotions I told God I really needed an answer since my interview was in two days. I was volunteering at church that morning and happened to see a friend talking to someone. I heard God loud and clear say, “Ask her; she will tell you.” I went over and told my friend my story. She started to cry and told me, “Now I know why I have been praying for you. Yes, take the job!” 

At that moment I felt all the apprehension, doubt, and stress leave my body. I felt an amazing peace and started to cry with her. I was ready to let go of what I wanted and follow God’s direction. It was no longer about me. 

I had the interview on Tuesday, and amazingly Ron offered me the position at First Prez! He told me I could take a few days to think about it. But I no longer needed the time to think about it because I had heard from God, so I accepted the position.

I want to encourage you that when you’re in the midst of difficult situations, make time to fast, get into God’s Word, and really listen to what He is saying to you. What does fasting have to do with it? Everything! Believe me, I know first-hand fasting does work. 

1 Kings 17:8 Then the word of the Lord came to him:  “Go at once to Zarephath in the region of Sidon and stay there. I have directed a widow there to supply you with food.”

Let’s be like Elijah, when the word of the Lord comes to us, let’s follow Him. The journey will be amazing!

Prayer: Lord, thank You for always sticking by us even when we try to fight the direction you are leading us towards. Help us to be still, to listen, and follow You even when we don’t know where the path will take us. Help us to put our trust in You! In Jesus name we pray, Amen.


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