Stay the Course

by Matt Yamamoto, Director of High School Ministry

“Blessed are those whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the Lord. Blessed are those who keep His statutes and seek Him with all their heart— they do no wrong but follow His ways. You have laid down precepts that are to be fully obeyed. Oh, that my ways were steadfast in obeying Your decrees! Then I would not be put to shame when I consider all Your commands. I will praise You with an upright heart as I learn Your righteous laws. I will obey Your decrees; do not utterly forsake me.” (Psalms 119:1-8)

It is so easy to read this passage, roll your eyes, and think to yourself, “That’s nice, but that’ll never be me!” I certainly thought that as I read it myself. When I think of myself, I don’t identify with the words “blameless” or “does no wrong.” When I think of the kind of characteristics that live in that same world, I often think that those standards are impossible. I would love to be that person. It sounds so nice.

If you feel the same way, you are in good company. Not only do I think this way about it, so does the author. I was shocked when I realized this stunning nugget of truth when I read it a second time. 

“Oh, that my ways were steadfast in obeying Your decrees! Then I would not be put to shame when I consider all Your commands.” (verses 5-6)

The author is complaining to himself that he would like to be the person he described in the preceding verses. He wished he could follow all of the Lord’s statutes and decrees. I can hear his frustration and shame in not being able to do so.

But he doesn’t give up.

After confessing his shortcomings, he then picks himself back up and declares that he will do better. He proclaims his desire to praise God with all of his heart and to follow all of the Lord’s laws. It is unlikely that the author was blameless from that point on, but that really isn’t the point. 

This man’s journey is my journey. It is easy to give up when we fall, and I am sure that it was some kind of failure that brought the author to this point. In fact, it would seem like it was something pretty spectacular because he begs God to “not utterly forsake” him. What was most important though was his desire to try again and to move forward toward pleasing God in his worship and actions.

I have failed in my life in ways that have hurt me and hurt others. I have let people down, and I’ve let God down. That being said, the righteous don’t get there because they have never erred. They become righteous because they have made mistakes AND have grown from them. We can’t get there through human effort alone. Only through an attitude like the author’s, trust in God, and His presence in our life will we be able to be counted among the blameless.

Prayer: May I not give up so easily when I fail You, Lord, or let other people down. I know that I’m prone to sin and make mistakes, but I also know that I should get up, claim Your forgiveness, learn from my mistakes, and resume living my life for You with joy! May the Fast that I’m on get me to a posture of “let Thy will be done” in my life. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen


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