
by Rosella Shishido, Communications Ministry Coordinator

“Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? Tell me, if you understand. Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it? On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone—while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy?” (Job 38:4-7)

I just started watching a docu-series on Disney Plus called Among the Stars, which follows a now-retired NASA astronaut on his last space mission. Iʻm fascinated with the back stories and the glimpses behind the scenes of NASA and other space agencies. I especially like when they show footage of spacewalks on the International Space Station because itʻs as if Iʻm out in space myself, and that just lets my imagination run wild at what that might feel like.

I can imagine being awestruck because I would be looking at our beautiful Earth, the Moon, the planets, and the stars from the privileged vantage point of space. But I can also imagine a daunting fear of being out there where oxygen and gravity are absent. Space is unpredictable, an endless expanse over which no one has control.

And then my focus shifts. I start thinking about God and how Heʻs even much bigger and mightier and more complex than the expanding universe itself. Thatʻs the God we serve! And thatʻs the God speaking in our Scripture passage for today.

At first read the passage may seem boastful, donʻt you think? Itʻs Godʻs response to Job, who was seeking answers for the succession of unfortunate events that befell him. But instead of giving Job a straight answer, God responds with questions (four chapters of questions, in fact) that were not meant to boast but rather to redirect Jobʻs perspective on the tragedies he was facing. God wanted Job to see that nothing that had happened to him surprised God. God knew that the various crises would come, that they would greatly test Jobʻs faith, and that he will eventually come out of them a changed man with a stronger faith in Him.

Job didnʻt need answers. He needed to be reminded who God is. God, who laid the Earthʻs foundation and who decided how big it was to be, remains in control no matter what.

On this 4th day of our 40-Day Fast, look beyond the sky and the stars, and spend some time thinking about how mighty and supreme the Maker of Heaven and Earth is. Heʻs our Creator who is always WITHIN reach. Bring to Him today in prayer whatever it is thatʻs weighing you down. Then listen, and expect an encounter with Him.

Yes, the Creator of this massive universe wants to speak to you.

Prayer: My Lord, my God, I acknowledge that You are all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-present. Nothing that happens to me escapes Your eyes. Please help me, and see me through the difficult situations before me. In Jesusʻ mighty Name I pray. Amen.

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