By Tyne Cody, Session Elder

I wonder if you still send handwritten thank you notes? Writing them was a real chore for me as a child but a requirement of my mother’s. Christmas gifts from family relatives who had sent money meant a detailed handwritten thank you was required so the giver knew what I received. As much as I dreaded writing those detailed notes (I disliked writing assignments and, as most of you know, I would much rather “talk”). I now know how much it means to receive them.

In the apostle Paul’s first letter to the church in Thessalonica, he reminds the people of several things: 

• To encourage each other and build each other up.

• To honor those who are leaders in the Lord’s work.

• To think highly of them and give them wholehearted love because of their work.

• And no matter what happens, to always be thankful.

I want today’s devotion to be one of “thankfulness.” Consider this to be a “thank you note” from all of us to the Lord for our First Prez family—the pastors and church staff who have tirelessly and continuously encouraged us and built us up, even though we haven’t been able to meet in person. They have never let up in serving us from online services including beautiful worship music; fantastic preaching;  encouraging digital groups; happy chat opportunities; private prayer times, etc. All these things have been done with excellence as unto the Lord for us by our leadership at FPC. What an example they have all been for us. Thank you. 

It is God’s will that we always “be thankful,” and “give thanks in ALL circumstances.” Not sometimes but always thankful and not just in the circumstances we like.  

Colossians 3:15-17 reads “…And be thankful…with gratitude in your heart…do all in the name of Jesus giving thanks to God.”

So, the challenge becomes:  What can I be thankful for in today’s world? We don’t know what the future of 2021 holds for us, but we can be thankful we know the ONE who holds the future. And we can thank God for how much He loves us and that He is always with us to guide and protect us. 

Years ago I wrote in the back of my Bible something I had heard in a lecture: “Discouragement can never take root in a thankful heart!” In light of this past year of 2020 to alleviate any discouragement in 2021 please consider God’s Word in I Thessalonians 5:18: “No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” (TLB) 

Prayer: Gracious, heavenly Father we are so thankful to have You in charge of all things.  We know You hold our future and are more than able to accomplish what concerns us today in Your perfect timing. We are thankful to you, Lord, for the leadership in our church and trust You to continue to guide them as they guide us in your ways. Please help us to always be thankful followers of Your Son, Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen. 

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