I Pray For Them

September 4, 2020

By Rosella Shishido, Communications Ministry Coordinator


This week my small group did the spiritual exercise known as Lectio Divina, which is Latin for “divine reading.” It’s a contemplative way of reading the Bible. We soaked in God’s Word by listening to a passage of Scripture four times. Then after each reading, we answered the question provided, which made us think about the passage in a different way each time. We spent a few minutes in silence after each question, and then shared with each other what we heard from God.

We listened to JOHN 17, a powerful chapter, I believe, because it’s a record of Jesus praying to God the Father.

I’ve read this chapter many times before, but apparently not well enough to stick because when we listened to it four times that evening, I was so moved by it that it felt like I was reading it for the first time.

“What word or phrase strikes you” was the first question. The first part of verse 9, I told the group, where Jesus says to God the Father, “I pray for them.”

Whoa. Just think about that.

Even before that evening with our small group, I already know that Jesus prays for those who follow Him. But somehow, as we basked in His presence, immersed in John 17, “I pray for them” took on a significant meaning.

“How is your life touched by this word” was the second question. I told the group that it was comforting and reassuring to know that Jesus covers me with prayer, especially at a time when it feels like I’m on shaky ground because of a recent medical diagnosis. The reminder that Jesus prays for me gave me a sense of being in Jesus’ inner circle, where I am safe and protected. And the thought of the Savior of the world, the Son of God Himself praying for me just blows my mind. 

“Is there an invitation or challenge for me to respond to” was the third question. My answer was yes, and that’s based on how verse 23 stood out for me, where Jesus prayed: “I in them, and You in Me, so that they may be brought to complete unity.” The invitation I heard from that verse is to abide. Abide in the Lord.

And the last question: “How will I carry this word into my daily life?” Well, for me, to abide in the Lord means that no matter what happens, even when life throws me a sucker-punch, I am to stay with God. I am to remain in Him. Dwell in Him. Submit to Him. And act in accordance to His will.

Not always easy, that’s for sure. But it is in those times that I need to remember that Jesus is praying for me.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, we praise You for dying for us and for rising from the dead to save us from our sins once and for all. Scripture says You’re at the right hand of God praying for us. Thank You so much!

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