
SEPTEMBER 29, 2020

By David Chang, Director of Ministry Support

On their journey, Jesus came into a village. There was a woman there named Martha, who welcomed him. he had a sister named Mary, who sat at the master’s feet and listened to his teaching. Martha was frantic with all the work in the kitchen. ‘Master,’ she said, coming in to where they were, ‘don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work all by myself? Tell her to give me a hand!’ ‘Martha, Martha,’ He replied, ‘you are fretting and fussing about so many things. Only one thing matters. Mary has chosen the best part, and it’s not going to be taken away from her.’  Luke 10 (NTE)

People have been asking me if things have slowed down because of the Covid-19 lockdowns.  I tell them, “It may sound funny, but I think I’m actually busier now than before.  None of the work has gone away, but what has changed that everything needs to be done differently.  Services and ministry have gone from physical to digital, building and grounds projects have different protocols, regulations have changed. So no, nothing has slowed down.”

The other day, I took a break to play with my four-year-old grandson and two-year-old granddaughter. We were doing a pretend picnic, one of our favorite activities. Daralyn was baking cookies and Dayson was making sushi. My job was to help with the baking and the making, and, of course, to eat. I thought things were going well, when I suddenly felt two small hands on my cheeks, turning my head. My grandson brought my face close to his and said, “Papa you aren’t listening to me.” I started to say, “I am playing with you”, but stopped myself.  

I was on the floor with two kids who love their Papa, surrounded by cookies and sushi, but my mind was elsewhere. I was planning things that I needed to do. I was reviewing the things that I had done. I was NOT present in the moment. I was NOT present with Daralyn and Dayson. A four-year old child was teaching this sixty-four-year-old about presence. I needed to be present in the moment, not in the past and not in the future. I needed to be paying attention to those amazing souls with me.

Later on, I realized that God was also on the floor with the three of us. I think He was trying to tell me not to worry about the things ahead—He’s taken care of it. I think God was trying to tell me not to worry about things that I’ve done—He’s taken care of it. I think God was trying to tell me, “Care for those who are in front of you. I want to care for them through you.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me not to fret about the pass and fuss about the future. Help me to remember You’re always speaking to me. Help me to be Your care to those who are in front of me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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