Have You Been To Malta?

AUGUST 6, 2020

By Rene Toyota, Childcare Administrative Coordinator

"But now I urge you to keep up your courage, because not one of you will be lost; only the ship will be destroyed." (Acts 27:22)

Have you been to Malta? It is a little island where the Apostle Paul and the ship’s crew ended up on their way to Italy. God had a different destination for them, and it wasn't Italy. Not just yet.

We all have times when we want to get to a particular place, whether it's a vacation destination, a different job, a different home, or even a personal change. 

I wanted a personal change. I prayed a long time for a pure heart. I want to be more forgiving, to love others as God does, to let go of my past, to not give in to fear, to stop being negative, and to be more joyful. I knew it would be a long journey to be the person I wanted to be, who God wanted me to be. But I never thought it was going to be that difficult.

This past year and a half, I went through some major storms, rough seas, that not even the anchors I threw out would hold me still. All I wanted to do was hurry up and get to my destination of change in one piece. I was falling apart. But God took the lead and led me in a different direction. He took me to my “Malta,” the destination where God placed me to mature and grow closer to Him, to ponder who I wanted to be and who I was. He wanted me to see what needed to be changed and what I was doing wrong. He can't change me if I can't admit my mistakes. It would be like going to therapy but not telling my therapist the truth about myself. God knows I knew He knows best, but He needed me to trust Him. Trust is always an issue for me. 

I'm still in my Malta going through changes. In fact, that’s the reason I wrote this devotional! God is not done with me yet. 

I believe the whole world is in Malta right now. COVID has been that in-between destination for all of us, the stop where God wants us for now. We may be in Malta for different reasons, whether it's for a personal change, or a new way of serving, or to help others get closer to God, or to deal with illnesses or family issues, or maybe to just sit and listen for what He has to say. 

Going back to our Scripture passage for today, the Apostle Paul made it to his destination after all the storms, the rough seas, and even after being bitten by a viper! He kept his courage as God said to do. Read it here in Acts 28.

When we obey the Lord and change what He asked us to change, He will honor us, just as He did with Paul in Acts 28:10. He will furnish us with the necessary supplies for our intended destination. Those supplies could be a changed attitude, a better mindset, or more wisdom, to name a few.

Are you in Malta right now? Keep up your courage, for God is with you! And keep your eyes open for what He’s doing in and around you.

Prayer: El Shaddai (God Almighty), thank You for your endless love and grace, and for always reminding us that we are never lost. Thank You for taking us to our “Malta,” where we can open our eyes to see what You're doing in and around us. Please continue to give us courage so that we are not afraid of the changes you have for us. Bless our hearts so that we are intent on pursuing Your will. And when the time is right, we trust that You will furnish us with the necessary supplies as You allow us to sail to our intended destination. In Christ Name, Amen.

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