Clearly Bigger Than Highclere

AUGUST 28, 2020

By Rosella Shishido, Communications Ministry Coordinator

One of the most memorable trips I’ve taken is a visit to Highclere Castle in Hampshire, England. The trip was a generous gift that I’ll always be grateful for. If you’re a Downton Abbey fan like me, you can imagine how fascinating that visit was.

Highclere Castle is better known as Downton Abbey, the mansion and the estate of the fictional Lord and Lady Grantham in the popular British TV series of the same title, set in the early 20th century. Totally loved that show because of the story, the characters, the relationships, the castle itself, the fashion of that time, and the glimpse into the life of the British royals. 

I was on a self-guided tour of Highclere Castle, along with hundreds of other visitors. I got to see and be in the main state rooms that looked so familiar because of the many Downton Abbey scenes shot there, and some of the bedrooms, the artwork, and the staff quarters. 

Highclere is huge and towering, three levels as far as I could tell, not including the tower section. It boasts of 250 to 300 rooms, most of which are not open to the public.

But you know what I believe is even bigger than Highclere? It’s the “Father’s house” that Jesus referred to in John 14:1-4 as He comforted His disciples:

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in Me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with Me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.”

I’m not sure if Jesus is referring to literal rooms in those verses. But what I do know is that He has prepared a place in Heaven for “His own”­­–– the redeemed, those who have committed their lives to follow Jesus. As 2 Timothy 2:19 says, “The Lord knows those who are His.” 

Those Bible verses speak of so much hope! Not only because there’s a place reserved for Jesus followers, but also because Jesus said “that you also may be where I am.” He wants us to be with Him! In Heaven! A place that could fit every person who had ever lived and who had believed and put their faith and hope in God’s saving grace. Just imagine how big Heaven is! Clearly bigger than Highclere or any other castle.

At this time, when it so easy to lose hope because of the pandemic and the restrictions it has imposed on our lives, Jesus’ promise to His disciples is a promise we can hold on to, something to look forward to.

But if you haven’t made the decision to follow Jesus, take that step today. Then claim His promise of hope.

Prayer: I praise You, Lord,  because You’re trustworthy and always true to Your promises. Thank You for the hope of Heaven. And thank You, Jesus, for dying on the cross, for taking the penalty for our sins, and for making it possible for us to spend eternity with You. Amen.

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