Faith In The Clouds

AUGUST 11, 2020

By Roslyn Catracchia, Director of Worship

A few weeks ago, I experienced something thrilling. I flew to the island of Molokaʻi in the tiniest plane you can imagine! Just me and a friend, who happens to be a pilot. It was an unforgettable experience.  What made it even more special was that it was something of an unexpected holy time of reflection for me, as we shared stories of faith with each other, high above the city, far above the clouds, way beyond my cares and concerns of life, here at home and around the world. For that morning, while we were up in the sky, my heart was unbound by all the problems of the world. 

The fellowship was priceless. The view was stunning. And then at one point, we started to head right into the clouds. It was a small plane, we weren’t going fast like a jet. If a plane could stroll or mosey, that’s what we were doing. We approached the cloud. I knew we were gonna enter it in a moment. And once we did, we were completely surrounded by the enormous white puff ball for what felt like an eternity! Okay, maybe not an eternity, but it felt like at least five minutes. We couldn’t see a thing, but my pilot friend wasn’t worried at all. He knew where we were going. He could see all the instruments in front of him, and he knew his plane inside and out. My heart wasn’t racing, although to be honest, I was a little nervous. Excited, but nervous. I couldn’t see anything! But I trusted him. And he wasn’t afraid. 

That’s kind of how it feels for me going through these uncertain times. I can’t see through to the other side.

At one point, as we were coming out of the clouds, I began to see dimly at first, what I thought looked to be something solid. I thought it might be land. But then I could see it was the ocean, beautiful as could be, and the sun shining strong and clear high in the sky. It was there all the time, but I couldn’t see it before, the clouds were so thick. 

All in all, we were in the clouds for less than 30 seconds. But it felt so much longer! And we made it out on the other side. If you want to see what I saw, watch the video below.

We ARE gonna make it out on the other side of COVID. One thing we can be sure of is that God’s light is shining, even though we cannot always see it or feel it. It can feel uncomfortable. I thought about that when Pastor Tim was preaching about the “liminal space” this past Sunday. A liminal space is…

“a particular spiritual position where human beings hate to be, but where the biblical God is always leading them. The Latin root “limen” literally means “threshold,” referring to that needed transition when we are moving from one place or one state of being to another. Liminal space usually induces some sort of inner crisis: you have left the tried and true (or it has left you), and you have not yet been able to replace it with anything else.” Ruth Haley Barton

Like flying through thick clouds and not being able to see what’s on the other side. Will we ever come out on the other side of these clouds? Of course we will. It is a doozie of a “cloud,” but we will certainly emerge at some point. Our faith may even be stronger on the other side!

“For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.” (1 Corinthians 13:12)

I know, I know, the apostle Paul was talking about heaven in that letter to the Corinthians. But I find it reassuring that while now we see dimly, at some point we will see clearly. God is trustworthy

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I pray for a blessing of extra grace poured upon us. Help us to get through these cloudy times. Give us the confidence daily that my friend had as he flew straight into the clouds, unworried that he couldn’t see for a while. Thank you that You are trustworthy. Always!  Amen.

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