No Greater Joy

JUNE 23 2020

By Karen Makishima

I love the song “The Blessing,” adapted from the book of Numbers and several other passages in the Bible. I find myself singing it over and over (my poor neighbors!). My favorite line in the song is–– “May His favor be upon you and your children and their children and their children and their children.” Something about knowing that the faith legacy is being passed down from generation to generation fascinates me. This is our purpose. This is our mission being lived out.

My grandmother passed on her Christian faith to my mom. My mom passed it on to me. And now I am passing it on to my kid, my fav son-in-law, and grandkids. NOTHING brings me more pleasure than to see  them walking with the Lord. I have glimpses of this legacy being lived out ....

  • When I get pinged after my fav son-in-law starts and finishes a Bible series in his Bible app. I love that ping!

  • When my daughter, fav son-in-law, and grandkids, who live in Washington, watch our online worship services and then have faith discussions together as a family.

  • When I watch my granddaughter worship her Creator with her hands held high surrendered to His love.

  • When I watch my other granddaughter grapple with if Jesus really rose from the grave.

One day I hope to see my great-grandkids loving and seeking out the truth found in our Lord. The verse 3 John 1:4 says, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” Ask any parent or grandparent. There is indeed NO GREATER JOY!

But I am also aware that not everyone chooses to follow Jesus. It’s very sad when those we love choose not to walk with the Lord, and we don’t get to see the legacy of our faith passed down. God gives each of us free choice. There is no magic formula that says if you do this thing then the result will be children who love the Lord. Some of the people I love choose not to follow Jesus. 

We can be intentional by planting seeds of love and nurturing the soil, but ultimately it is up to the person to choose whether to accept Jesus as Savior or not. It is so heartbreaking to see people of great faith whose loved ones have chosen not to walk in the Lord. 

At our Christmas service we hand out satin rosebuds to everyone in attendance as prayer reminders for their specific requests, whatever they may be. When the prayers have been answered, people send back their roses. Then we add them to the rose wreath that we display on Christmas, which shows God’s faithfulness to His people.

When I look at that wreath, I know that many of those answered prayers are about family and friends choosing to follow Jesus. I am just in awe of how God’s people have lifted them up in prayer. It’s such a joy when loved ones are now walking in the truth. For indeed there is no GREATER JOY!

Prayer: May the Lord bless you and keep you; may the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; may the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. (Numbers 6:24-26)

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