Overlooked Blessings

June 12, 2020

By Kathy Makuakane, Executive Assistant to the Senior Pastor


The resident manager informed everyone in my building that the water would be shut off for six hours. What an inconvenience!

I decided I had better prepare. I would shower and get completely ready for the day well before the shut-off time. I would also need to store some water for washing hands and a few dishes, for drinking, and for filling the toilet tank. It surprised me how difficult it was to come up with what was necessary so I wouldn’t be left “high and dry.”

The process showed me that I take my easy access to water for granted. That realization first caused me to feel somewhat ashamed of how spoiled I am, but then came a growing sense of gratitude.

I remembered how three years ago, on a two-week mission trip to drought-stricken Africa, there was no running water or plumbing in the area we were at. We used hand sanitizer––a lot––and pit latrines and pumped water from a well to take a “bucket shower” every three days. We got used to it and we did fine. We had everything we needed and then some.

Even so, I had forgotten how easy I have it here. My thoughts slowly expanded to other overlooked blessings in my life: food, electricity, transportation, communication, and on and on. The Lord provides everything I need and a whole lot more. Even in a pandemic. Even in a shortage. Even when what I’m used to is removed. I stood for minute, looking at my inconvenient containers of water. These containers were an overlooked blessing.

It dawned on me that this is an earthly example of the countless gifts Jesus offers us. Whatever we need, He offers more than enough. Not just things for our bodies, but things for our minds and things for our souls. Have you ever thought about how many friends you have? How many Bible verses you can read? How many times God has opened your eyes to His love? Start making a list and it will be longer than you expect. The ultimate gift He offers is salvation,  eternal life with our loving Creator. And all we have to do is ask.

When Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well John 4: 1-30, carrying her inconvenient containers for water, he told her that, if she asked, He would give her living water so that she would never thirst again. It would become a spring of water, welling up to eternal life! 

Oh, how He loves us! He hovers over us like a parent on Christmas (that would be a whole other devotional!), enjoying the child’s delight to discover gifts under the tree. We are precious to Him and He is tremendously generous. Can you sit with that for a moment? Who is He and who are you to Him? Can you discover and list some ways He is revealing his heart for you?

“Yes, indeed—God is my salvation. I trust, I won’t be afraid. God—yes, God!—is my strength and song, best of all, my salvation!” Joyfully you’ll pull up buckets of water from the wells of salvation. And as you do it, you’ll say, “Give thanks to God. Call out his name. Ask him anything! Shout to the nations, tell them what he’s done, spread the news of his great reputation! (Isaiah 12:2-4)

Check out this short video clip from the series called The Chosen, an excellent depiction of the events of Jesus’ life on earth. This clip tells the story of when He meets the Samaritan woman at the well. May it help you discover overlooked blessings God has given you. 


I’m still making my list.

Prayer: Lord, You are such a generous and loving Father. It is absolute joy to get even a glimpse of how much You care for us. But when we take the time to discover some of Your gifts that we have overlooked, we are overwhelmed. We can never complete the list! Thank You for loving us so very well. Thank You for offering us living water that wells up in us to eternal life. Amen.

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