Take the Next One Faithful Step

May 7, 2020

By Roslyn Catracchia, Director of Worship and Congregational Life


Recently, Shayna Kusumoto wrote a meaningful devotional entitled, “I Can’t, But God Can” (April 25). She wrote about the first days we were learning how to do church services online. She mentioned all of us on staff trying new things and the steep learning curve we each had to experience. Week after week, we are still trying something new, trying to “walk on water” and failing at times.

Week after week, I call out to God, who stretches His endlessly strong and mighty hand to pull me up. I know He is pulling many of us up daily, so thank You, Jesus!

While I am learning, there are still days when it can feel overwhelming. As Pastor Steve mentioned in his devotional on March 27th, it’s time for NEW THINGS. Just like Pastor Steve, technology is definitely NOT one of my gifts. However, if I don’t learn a serious bunch of new skills that require the tech side of things VERY quickly, I will be no good to the church with the gifts I have.

A couple of weeks ago, I was feeling overwhelmed by the hauntings of my inadequacies and the many ways in which I fall short. It was a Tuesday (which means a day of many meetings for us on the church staff ), and our Tuesdays begin with our small group staff meetings. On this particular day, I was wanting to hold it in, to appear fine, together, and strong. But this is my small group, and I trust each person in this small group, so I opened up and told them how I was feeling.

We had already succeeded in doing several weeks of online services, and Chris Pan, our Executive Director, knew how much each of us was doing at the time, growing and stretching ourselves significantly. I told them, however, that I felt so inadequate and that I was failing at so much.

They let me talk and didn’t interrupt as I shared openly about my thoughts. At the end, Chris was smiling, and I couldn’t understand why. Then he said, “Roz! Look how far you’ve come over the past few weeks! Give yourself grace! I recently read something where someone said, ‘Take the next one faithful step.’ And I’m going to encourage you to do just that. Take the next ONE faithful step. And be really okay with it!”

Talk about the strong and mighty hand of God pulling me up! I immediately felt a weight lifted! I felt my countenance shift, and I said, “Wait!!! I need to write that down right away,” which I did. And I’ve read that quote almost every single day since then.

One day I was feeling discouraged again, and I remembered what Chris had said. I searched for the paper, which had gotten buried under a load of paperwork, found it and taped it to the middle of my wall on my right. But sometimes I need to see things right in front of me to have it sink in. So I copied it and taped it to the bookshelf right in front of me!

Good messages.

If you have moments of feeling overwhelmed, I encourage you to remember Chris’ wonderful words of life––give yourself grace, take the next ONE faithful step, and be really okay with it!

I remember the days of old. I meditate on all Thy doings; I muse on the work of Thy hands. I stretch out my hands to Thee. My soul longs for Thee as a parched land. Answer me quickly O Lord, my spirit fades. Do not hide Thy face from me lest I become like those who go down to the pit. Let me hear Thy lovingkindness in the morning, for I trust in Thee. Teach me the way in which I should go. For to Thee, I lift up my soul. (Psalm 143:5-8)

Prayer: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for putting people in our lives who remind us what You would have us know and hear. Thank You for Your grace, which constantly amazes me. Thank You for the message to take the next one faithful step and to be okay with it. Come alongside each of us as we take each step throughout each day. Amen.


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