Just Keep Swimming

April 30, 2020

By Patty Kamahele, Administrative Assistant

I was texting with my niece to see how she was doing during these quarantine days, and she ended it with encouraging words from the great theologian Dory, from the movie Finding Nemo, who said, “Just keep swimming!” 

I thought that was so apropos and a good reminder for us all to keep on keepin’ on; to keep the faith. 

I remember when my other niece was in a swim meet when she was very young. She was way behind the other swimmers, but she did not give up until she finished the race! She was determined to reach the goal set before her, no matter what. People cheering her on motivated her to persevere. “Just keep swimming!”

The Lord has a great plan even in the midst of what all of us are going through during this time, and He wants to use us in the lives of others. We might ask ourselves, “How can the Lord use me? I’m not good enough, or smart enough”, or whatever.

Maybe He wants us to just share an encouraging word with someone to let them know we care. Maybe He wants us to help meet a physical need. (By the way, small or big is not in God’s vocabulary. He is pleased with whatever we do for Him). Maybe He wants us to share His Word with others by giving them the hope we all need, especially now.

I read a quote that said, “My prayer for you as you walk through seasons of joy and seasons of difficulty is that God will illumine your life in such a way that Christ becomes visible to everyone you meet.”

Today may we all “just keep swimming” as we fix our eyes on the Author and Finisher of our faith––Jesus! And may we reflect Him as we do.

“In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” (Matthew 5:16)

Prayer: Lord, You are good. You are faithful. And that You would even want to use us is amazing. Please show us how we can “just keep swimming” not only in our own lives, but to encourage others to do the same. As water reflects images, may we reflect You in our words and in our actions. In a world that desperately needs You, may we be a light that shines for You. In the Name of Jesus. Amen.

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