Sing to the Lord

April 2, 2020

By Roslyn Catracchia, Director of Worship

A few days ago I went into the Aina Haina Post Office to mail a package to a friend. I’ve gone to the same post office since I was a kid. The postal workers behind the counter know me and I adore them. They know I’m the worship leader of a church, they know I love music, and that I love God. As soon as I walked in, one of them shouted out, “O good! Roz, sing us a song!” as if they needed it. I sang out without even thinking,

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!

Praise Him all creatures here below.

Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts.

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! Amen!

Two more people had entered the post office by the time I finished and looked at me a little stunned. I wondered for a moment if I had broken a law or something by singing the Doxology in a federal post office  but that thought was quickly replaced by a bubbling joy that the Doxology was the first song that came out of me without even thinking! I asked one of them, “Was that okay?” She said, “That was perfect; just what we needed.”

My friends, we have so many songs in our hearts that help us to rise above the concerns, fears, and worries of this world. 

“Set your minds on the things from above, not on earthly things.” (Colossians 3:2)

“I lift up my eyes to the mountains – where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” (Psalm 121:1-2)

Both of these Scriptures start with choices for us: I choose to set my mind on the things from above. Or not. I choose to lift up my eyes to the mountains. Or not. Each day we are faced with choices. Some choices are easier than others. I find when I sing out loud and make a joyful noise to the Lord, my soul is lifted. 

Here are some songs I’ve been singing over and over in these past days. What are yours? 

  • Be Still My Soul

  • It Is Well With My Soul

  • Holy! Holy! Holy! Lord God Almighty!

  • Waves

  • My Heart Is Filled With Thankfulness

Songs of life, songs of peace, songs of joy. Songs that soothe our souls and bless the Lord. Before we know it, we’ll be together again worshiping the Lord together. ‘Til then, keep on singing out loud! And in the words of wonderful Karen Carpenter, “Don’t worry that it’s not good enough for anyone else to hear, just sing, sing a song!” 

Prayer: Heavenly Father, hear our voices from around the world. We love You and we trust You. We believe in You. Help our unbelief, strengthen us, guide us. Help us to make choices each day to lift our voices, our hearts, souls and spirits to you, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. Amen.

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