
April 20, 2020

By David Chang, Director of Ministry Support

Last year one of our church staff members (who shall remain nameless, but has great initials like mine), talked about doing one of the DNA ancestry tests. After he got the results, it was so cool hearing him give a detailed breakdown of his ethnicity and what parts of the world his ancestors came from. I got so excited that I went home and told my family we need to do the same thing. There are some parts of our family tree that are a little vague, so we wanted to take the opportunity to find out.

 Although our DNA test results answered some questions about our family’s physical DNA, the COVID19 pandemic showed our family a more important type of DNA––our spiritual DNA.

 Check out the picture below from my son’s Facebook post:

(90) Danford Chang - My heart melted as I stumbled into this while... (1).jpeg

My son Danford took a snapshot of his 90-year grandmother(my Mom), passionately engaged in a Zoom prayer meeting via an iPad. Yup, my Mom, who will not give up her flip phone, is interceding with other prayer warriors digitally on an iPad.

It reminded me of the Scripture passage where Paul was reminding young Timothy of not just his physical ancestry but also his spiritual ancestry:

“I have in my mind a clear picture of your sincere faith – the faith which first came to live in Lois your grandmother and Eunice your mother, and which, I am confident, lives in you as well.” (2 Timothy 1:5-6)

How precious to leave a legacy of not just biological DNA but also of nurturing sincere faith, and not just in ourselves but in others as well.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for setting spiritual leaders in my life, some in my family and some outside of my family that have nurtured sincere faith in me. Help me to do the same, to disciple others that disciple others. In Jesus name, Amen.

P.S. So no excuse! If my 90-year Mom can join a virtual prayer meeting, so can you. If you need help with that, let us know and we’ll connect you with one of our Digital Missionaries.

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