Stones of Remembrance

April 17, 2020

By Jenny Sung, Executive Coordinator

If I were to pay you a dollar for the number of times I’ve forgotten where my keys are, or my phone, well, you would be rich! I am a bit absent-minded. I tend to focus really well on one thing at a time, but throw me a few balls to juggle all at once and whoa! Things get … forgotten… balls go flying.

Jenny and her mom.

Jenny and her mom.

In times of struggle, I also tend to forget all the times God has been faithful. I torture myself with thoughts of despair and worry, but when I breathe and take the time to pray and reflect, there are so many memories that come to mind.

Stones of remembrance, like the time when God provided miraculously for me to pay the final installment on my new home. The time when, after 12 years of infertility, I prayed, “Lord, your will be done (even if it means I have no children),” and was shocked to be pregnant months later. The time when my mom was unconscious and hospitalized with sepsis and kidney failure, going through multiple blood transfusions and dialysis, and God restored her back to health. The time when I suddenly lost my husband and was overwhelmed with taking care of the finances, my home, all the bills, and God sent angels––church members––to help us with therapy, home repair, my taxes, and more.

We need to remember the times when He’s parted the waters and been faithful. It was not too long ago when we studied the first six chapters in the book of Joshua, together as a church. We got into small groups, studied the verses together and prayed. In chapter 4, after the flooding waters of the Jordan miraculously piled up and allowed the nation of Israel to cross on dry land, Joshua set up twelve stones of remembrance.

He said to the Israelites, “In the future when your descendants ask their parents, ‘What do these stones mean?’ tell them, ‘Israel crossed the Jordan on dry ground.’ For the LORD your God dried up the Jordan before you until you had crossed over. The LORD your God did to the Jordan what he had done to the Red Sea when he dried it up before us until we had crossed over (Joshua 4:21-23).

In times of uncertainty, when the flooding waters seem too big to cross, let’s remind one another of God’s faithfulness. Let’s share stories, those “stones of remembrance” in our lives that point us back to a big and faithful God. He is true yesterday, today and tomorrow. He is always with us, wherever we go (Joshua 1:9).

Prayer: Lord, Thank you for being a loving, faithful God. Help us to believe in your promises and trust in your goodness.

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