Faith or Fear

April 15, 2020

By Patty Kamahele, Administrative Assistant

I recently read a quote from Charles Stanley that said, “Many people think the opposite of fear is hope, courage, or strength. But the true opposite of fear is faith. The answer to the things that cause us fear is faith in what we know to be true about God and about His love and care for us and His ability to provide for all we need—especially His peace, which can help carry us through anything.”

His words really gave me food for thought. I looked up the word “faith” and it is defined as “complete trust or confidence in.” Often times we can put our trust in another person, or leader, or even things. But none can promise what the Lord can: ”You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!” (Isaiah 26:3)

I have some wonderful and dear friends who are so close that I call them “Mama & Papa.” Their son, a strong Christian, was stricken with ALS. They took loving care of him and tried to make his life as comfortable as possible. He was able to communicate by typing with eye movement, and he encouraged many people, including me, through his emails and prayers.

As it became clear that he was nearing the end of life, his parents asked him if he was afraid. He typed out, “Faith conquers fear.” I made a framed photo of those words for his parents, and those words continue to speak to hearts until today. His faith in his Lord made him unafraid as he knew he would spend eternity with the One he loved and served.

Faith or fear? You decide. 

May we grow to trust God more so that our faith may be strengthened, especially in these uncertain times.

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