The Greatest Commandment

March 26, 2020

By Jason Waldrep, Associate Director of Worship

Jesus says the greatest commandment is this: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” (Matthew 22:37)

Why is loving God the greatest commandment? To put it simply, we become what we love. What we love, we give power and permission to shape and transform us. Love for God transforms our hearts, and this is great news! When we set our attention and affection on Him, everything else in our life stays in its proper perspective, and our hearts are aligned with His. 

But there is a war being waged for our attention and affection. We are in a serious situation. The health and safety of our families is important. Our financial situation is important. The rapidly changing world around us is important. 

However, according to Jesus, nothing is more important than loving God with all of who we are, no matter what’s going on around us. Nothing.  

So for me, it’s time for a heart check. Am I loving God more than everything else, and how do I even know what I am loving most right now? By looking closely and honestly at how I’m spending my time. I’m spending a considerable amount of time worried about my wife’s job status. I’m spending time checking on our home purchase which is about to fall apart. I’m spending lots of time checking news updates, worrying about the health and safety of my parents and our community. I’m spending time concerned for my daughter after her college graduation was canceled. And I deal with it all by spending way too much time numbing myself in front of the television. 

So today I choose to love God by ministering to Him and His heart. Today I choose to love God by spending time in His Word and in personal worship, singing and praising Him. Today I choose to love Him by caring for those He cares about, whether through interceding in prayer or making a phone call to reach out. 

My prayer today is simple: Lord, help me to learn to love you with all my heart, all my soul, and all my mind above all else. Amen.

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