by Karen Makishima, Director of Children and Family Life Ministries

I would make a horrible Santa because I struggle with gift giving. It is not my gift. I’m great at receiving gifts but not at giving gifts. I’ve tried to figure out why gift giving is not my gift. Could it be that I don’t take the time to get to really know people around me so, therefore, I wouldn’t know what they would like? Or are all of my friends and family rich Americans who have everything already? What could I give them that they would appreciate or want? Or am I just tight-fisted with my money? The jury is still out on why I struggle with gift giving. If you are one of my friends or part of my family...I apologize.

There is a song that I taught to the kids a loooong time ago. The song’s title is, “What Can I Give to the King?” I love the lyrics because it tells me exactly what gift I should give to the person that I want to be at the top of my list.

What can I give to the King?  
Give to the one who has everything.
What can I give? What gift can I bring? 
What can I give to the King? What can I give to the King?

Give Him a heart that’s open up wide
Give Him a life that’s got nothing to hide
Give Him a heart that’s tender and true
And He’ll give it all back to you; yes, He’ll give it all back to you.

Give Him all glory, His people on earth
Give Him all praises, this day of His birth
Give Him all honor in all that we do
As He’s given His life to you

What gifts will you be giving this year? Better yet, what gift will you be giving to the King who is the Savior of the world? This King has everything...yet desires your heart.

Prayer:  Lord, we thank You for sending Your one and only Son to the earth as a baby yet remained God. Help us to give You our hearts completely. Amen.

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