
By Peter Kang, Elder for Impact Ministries

“How can I, your servant, talk with you, my lord? My strength is gone and I can hardly breathe.” (Daniel 10:17 NIV)

When COVID hit, it seemed like the world was shutting down, and the lockdown was starting to make it harder to just breathe. From wearing a mask in public to subconsciously holding your breath when passing people, the essential function to breathe was getting complicated.

We had to carefully meter out our essential activities, like grocery shopping, and for the Kang family that means a trip to the local Costco. But wait, even that experience has changed. No longer were those wonderful ladies giving out food samples! That was date night for me, especially on a Saturday when every aisle had something to fill your belly. “Here, honey, try this. It’s abalone from the Big Island.”

These days not only do I leave Costco hungry but I also hold my breath so many times that I’m not able to properly enjoy the rotisserie chicken that’s still an amazing $4.99! But I soon realized I was tired and out of breath in more than the physical sense. 

After about a month of staying at home, I was not in that wonderful place where I was able to serve, and my spiritual side was not able to “breathe.” It was not all about making sure we had enough toilet paper or Lysol, but also letting God carefully lead me into “breathing” life into those in need. 

Before you start throwing your McRib at me (available for a limited time), I am not suggesting that we serve recklessly or break any laws. There are ways to serve and “breathe” with strategic partner organizations, like the FoodBank and The Pantry. The FoodBank is amazing, and The Pantry operates a food distribution center in Kalihi on Oahu, and it serves the community three days a week. You’ll find many First Prez folks there “breathing” life into the community as they volunteer.

You don’t have to be a superwoman (like Jennine Sullivan who runs The Pantry), or highly talented (like Chris Pan), or even be an incredible pastor (like Dan Chun). You can go to the First Prez website and you’ll find plenty of opportunities to serve. If you’re not able to leave home, how about calling that person you know who might be alone? Maybe share a meal with a few friends (while observing social distancing). Even a smile and a shaka to those you bump into is also good. 

It’s almost Christmas, and we have a generous God who we can never outgive. As you hold your breath in the elevator, or while waiting in line at the checkout, don’t forget to “breathe’ in the love and power that God has poured into you. Yes, just breathe. It’s actually not complicated.

Prayer: We confidently come to You, Lord, and ask that You bless us in every way so that we may be a blessing to others. That we would “breathe” life into those in need. And as we breathe, our strength would be renewed and our joy would be evident to all. Make clear in our hearts and minds that You truly love us in ways that cannot be brushed aside. Blow us away with Your goodness and enable us to soar to amazing heights. Remind us that You have chosen us and called us Your “beloved.” And if can, please bless those ladies at Costco who give out samples, and may they resume doing their all-important work in 2021. Amen!

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