There’s Always Room At The Inn

By Roslyn Catracchia, Director of Worship

We are in the season of Advent! I can’t believe it. December is here! And while the weather outside isn’t frightful, thus no reason for a fire to be so delightful, it was fuh-reeeeezing last night! I heard it was 69 degrees. I could not get warm! Oh, the pains of winters in Hawaii ☺ 

So if you didn’t notice, I was wanting to keep this devotional on the light side. Jeff preached a beautiful message this past Sunday, the first Sunday of Advent. His message was all about making room. If you didn’t get a chance to watch it, I highly recommend it. (Great message, Jeff!) And after the sermon, everyone who joined a Connect Group discussed the sermon questions. And question #2 seemed to strike a chord in many of us. 

“Has anyone ever made room for you when it was costly to do so?”

I thought of a number of examples. But the one that stood out so clearly in my memory was when I was 20 years old. I was a struggling musician dating an out-of-work construction worker at the time. And when I told my mom he asked me to marry him, my mom looked me in the eye, took a beat, and said, “Let’s have lunch tomorrow!” 

The next day we had lunch, and two weeks later I was on a plane to New Jersey, where I would stay the next 9 months with my Aunt and Uncle while I went to secretarial school across the Ben Franklin Bridge in Philadelphia (mothers can be so wise!).

I experienced my first winter there, my first snowfall. I experienced frightful weather! But they had made room for me in their home and in their hearts. I’ll forever be thankful to my Aunt Barbara and Uncle Bud.

As Jeff asked us, I’m asking you to remember, has anyone ever made room for you when it was costly to do so? Take a moment to reflect and remember, big moments, small moments. 

Years ago, Pastor Dan wrote a sermon about a similar subject. ‘Tis the season, and it’s very easy when we read the Christmas story and hear the Innkeeper saying, “Sorry, we’re full up! No room in the Inn.” Back then, I wrote a song about it. Some of you may have heard it before. HERE'S THE LINK TO THE SONG, in case you’d like a little break in your day to listen and reflect. 

Happy first week of Advent, friends! Let’s keep an eye open to see when God is asking us to make room, in big ways and small. 

There’s Always Room At The Inn by Roslyn Catracchia

O holy Father, who could have thought
You could love a someone like me?
I look at my life with my failures and faults 
And I don’t know what You see.
But somehow you take what little I am,
And what little I have to give,
And You make me and mold me, new everyday,
And You show me a new way to live.

And there’s always room at the Inn,
And You tenderly welcome me in.
And wherever I go, it’s so good to know
There is shelter and warmth within,
For there’s always, always room at the Inn.

O holy Father, what have I done 
To deserve Your mercy and grace?
You sent Your own Son, who came as a child
So my sins could be erased.
Yet how often I’ve said, “I’m too busy my Lord,
To do what You’ve called me to be.”
Still You give me a glimpse of the world through Your eyes,
And I see what You want me to see,

That there’s always room at the Inn,
And You tenderly welcome me in.
And wherever I go, it’s so good to know
There is shelter and warmth within,
For there’s always, always room at the Inn.

And this gift that You’ve given is promised to all, 
Promised by You alone.
So let us be bold and love in return
By welcoming everyone home.

For there’s always room at the Inn,
And You tenderly welcome us in.
And wherever we go, it’s so good to know
There is shelter and warmth within,
For there’s always, always room at the Inn.

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, help us to see when You want us to make room for others, and for You, in big ways and small! Thank you, Jesus, for coming as a baby, and for being patient with us reluctant creatures. Amen

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