A Reason To Hope

By Pastor Steve Peich

“In His name the nations will put their hope.” (Matthew 12.21)

One of the major themes during Advent is the notion of Hope. It’s important to reflect on such theme during Christmas because in a time like ours, where there is so much uncertainty and where every type of media is blasting out one fearful headline after the next, losing hope can be pretty easy. Moreover, when we don’t have hope, we can easily become cynical and jaded, or maybe even despairing in life.

In the 1950’s there was a professor at Johns Hopkins named Curt Richter who conducted a study on rats. He would take rats and put them in a large jar of water and measure the time where rats swam around before they died. Half the rats he simply put in the jar and left them to swim. This group of rats all perished, some surprisingly quickly.

The other half, Richter would let swim, but then lift them up out of the water and then place them back into the jar to swim again. Richter found out that when he picked them up and held them just for a little while before putting them back, they swam much longer than any of the rats that were left alone. In fact, all these rats lived to see another day. 

Richter reasoned that the rats learned that they were not doomed and the situation was not lost. In short, when they had reason to keep swimming they did. He concluded that when you eliminate hopelessness the rats do not die. 

Humans are obviously different than rats, but one similarity stands out – Hope can do wonders to keep us going. This is why Christmas is not merely some nice little holiday for the winter, but it is that powerful reminder that Hope remains for our world so long as Jesus is Lord. It once again reminds us of the great reasons for which we live as Christians. 

How many of us need to take some time to take a breather and simply reflect on our God-given reasons to keep swimming? How many of us need to speak with good friends, pastors, or therapists, etc. to remember why there is still hope for what we are going through? 

So here’s my challenge to you. How can you become the one who speaks hope to others – to your family, your friends, your neighbors, your small group, and your church community? How can you refrain this Advent season from sending those emails, texts, and videos that only fortify our fears and instead make it a spiritual discipline to send or post one hopeful story, song, video, text, or message each day? In a time when millions are struggling to find hope, let’s make it a habit to give our world reasons for hope through Jesus Christ. 

Blessing: May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15.13)

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