Love Builds Up

By Pastor Dan Chun

Romans 14:1 Welcome with open arms fellow believers who don’t see things the way you do. And don’t jump all over them every time they do or say something you don’t agree with—even when it seems that they are strong on opinions but weak in the faith department. Remember, they have their own history to deal with. Treat them gently. (The Message)

As your pastor, you know that I hold the unity of our church as a high value. We are multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, a cross-generational bunch of women, men, youth, and children. And we are Republicans, Democrats, Green Party, and Independents. As I write this, I do not know the final results of the election. But it doesn’t matter. Whoever wins the elections there will be groups of people who are sad or glad and have strong emotions and opinions of how the outcome should have been. 

But it is so clear in our Scripture for today that even if we think we have the right perspective and others do not, we must be gracious. Our text says, “Don’t jump all over them every time they do or say something you don’t agree with – even when it seems that they are strong on opinions but weak in the faith department.” The Bible couldn’t be any clearer. You may have strong beliefs on who should have won. Maybe there will be a long legal battle on the count of the vote. But as another version of this verse says: “Welcome those who are weak in faith, but not for the purpose of quarreling over opinions. (Romans 4:1, NRSV)

So, if you are strong in faith and you are conversing with people who are weak in the faith or of no faith, don’t quarrel! People come to Christ through loving relationships. Leading people to Christ is the goal. Helping other people become more mature in faith is the goal. Winning a political conversation is NOT the goal. So in the words of the great saint, the apostle Paul: “Knowledge puffs up. Love builds up.” (1 Corinthians 8:1 )

May we be known for love during this season.

Prayer: Lord, may we be filled with Your Spirit. May love be our language for today and beyond. In Christ’s name, Amen. 

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