Safely To Shore

By David Chang, Director of Ministry Support

39 When morning dawned, they didn’t recognize the coastline, but they saw a bay with a beach and wondered if they could get to shore by running the ship aground. 40 So they cut off the anchors and left them in the sea. Then they lowered the rudders, raised the foresail, and headed toward shore. 44 … So everyone escaped safely to shore. (Acts 27, 39-40, 44)

Years and years ago, my Sunday School teacher took me and another student sailing on a 20-foot racing sailboat. Since then, I continue to love the whole idea of sailing. It’s the “engineer” in me. I’m fascinated to see how much sailing has evolved from biblical times through today. In times when the Apostle Paul was sailing, the ships were made of wood and could only sail at a fraction of the speed of the wind. Today, hi-tech boats are made of carbon-fiber, fly above the water on wing-like foils and have computer-assisted controls. With these advancements, modern boats can actually sail faster than the speed of the wind!

Even with all these advancements, sailing a boat is still essentially the same today as it was in biblical times. The sail provides the power, the rudders provide the steering, and the anchors are the brakes. 

In Acts 27, we see sailing in a life-and-death situation. The Apostle Paul was aboard a sailing ship that was caught in a severe storm. It was so bad that the ship was in danger of breaking apart, suddenly capsizing, and crashing against the reef. The crew desperately tried to lighten the ship by throwing precious cargo overboard. They lowered the sails to avoid getting tipped over by the powerful storm gusts. They lowered the anchors to try slowing the ship. But none of these worked. 

Then God showed them a beach that they could reach. They cut off the anchors so they could get moving, lowered their rudders so that they were pointed at the beach, and they raised their sails so the wind would blow them forward. Though it was rough, and the ship was destroyed, God brought each and every one safely to shore.

We are in a stormy time right now with the COVID-19 pandemic, the economic downturn, and the polarizing elections. It’s a scary time. There is danger to our health, our finances, and for our country. I think this passage of Scripture is telling me to put my trust in God. God is showing me that even though we’re going through tough times, He will bring each and every one to safety. I think the Lord is saying I need to cut off my anchors that slow me down, to stop being anxious, and to stop second-guessing and doubting. I think I need to lower my rudders, and direct my attention to the Lord, to read more, listen more, and meditate more on His word. I think I need to raise my sails, to use the blessings that God is giving me to move ahead to help and bless others.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to cut off the anchors of my doubts, set my rudders to the course that You set, and raise my sails to catch Your blessings to bless others. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

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