What Does The Heart of Jesus Look Like?

By Karen Makishima, Director of Ohana Ministries

I was in a conversation the other day with someone who is completely turned off by Christians. He went on to say that “these people” are very judgmental and are only concerned about winning their argument.

I asked him not to put me in that category. “I want to be a Christ follower,” I said, “someone who knows how to love well and responds to others as Jesus did and does. I obviously don’t get it right all the time but this is who I want to be.” 

Like my friend, many people have this image of what Christianity is or requires of us. This walk leaves us empty, judgmental, and void of love. Many are spiritually blind to God’s goodness and mercies towards us and others. 

Some of us are on a path to deconstruct this image. This is not the life that Christ called us to. Part of this deconstructive process can begin by reading the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) and asking the Holy Spirit to open our eyes to see how Jesus responded to the situations He was in. If we are going to be followers of Christ, it is imperative to know who Christ is and what His heart is for. 

In First Prez’s Ohana Ministry we are beginning a Pray for Me initiative, where Scripture will be prayed over every family for one school year by three different prayer warriors from three different generations. Part of this initiative is the 3 S’s discipleship process––See, Savor, and Share – where together we are on a quest to discover what the heart of Christ is like and to share what we find with others.

It is Jesus’ desire for us to SEE His goodness, kindness, mercy, faithfulness, and love in all of life’s situations. 

Prayer: “Jesus, open our eyes that we may see Your goodness.”

We SAVOR it for all its worth with thanksgiving, praise, and adoration. 

Prayer: “Jesus, we praise You for who You are and Your tremendous love for us.”

It is out of the overflow of our savoring that we want to SHARE freely with others. 

Prayer: “Jesus, give us courage and boldness to share with others who You are.”

Would you join me on a journey to SEE, SAVOR, and SHARE the heart of Jesus that is all around us?

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