Where Do You See Generosity?

By Marianna Meachen, Director of Care Ministries

Not too long ago I waited for a friend to pick me up outside of a restaurant, after dropping off my car for its annual service. I noticed a homeless woman on the street surrounded by many trash bags, which I assume held all her possessions. She was on the sidewalk, but there was ample room to walk past her. 

After a while I saw a mom and her little boy walk past the homeless woman. They stopped as they reached the corner. The mom reached into her cloth shopping bag and pulled out a small box of something. She handed it to her son, who walked back to the homeless woman and offered it to her. The homeless woman looked at the box, but waved the little boy off. He walked back and his mother put the box back into her bag.

The mother and her son began walking away, but once again they stopped. The mother reached into her bag one more time, and this time pulled out what looked to be a can of something to drink. The little boy walked back to the homeless woman and offered her the drink. This time she took it and smiled at the boy, who smiled back. He walked back to his mother, who put her arm around her son’s shoulder, and they started walking away. Still smiling, the little boy turned around and waved to the homeless woman. She returned his wave and smiled back.

Such a simple gesture of kindness and generosity, but with large impact. I was blessed as I watched a mother teach her child to be kind, loving, and generous. 

If among you, one of your brothers should become poor, in any of your towns within your land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your poor brother, but you shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient for his need, whatever it may be. (Deuteronomy 15:7-8)

As Jesus-followers we agree we should live generous lives. At the same time I feel we often wonder, how much do we have to give to keep God happy? We want someone to give us an answer that is concrete, an expectation. But God’s word tells us to live beyond the boundaries of numbers. We are to give as much as we can. God doesn’t want us to give out of guilt or fear, but to live charitably out of faith.

Our generosity doesn’t just apply to our finances either. God has given us gifts and talents. Do we hide them and just use them when we feel we have the time? Do we deny them and leave it to someone else to do the work that we have been gifted to do?

We are halfway through our Raise the Sails generosity journey. This journey is one of discovery to step out in faith and use all we have been given by God. Matthew 10:8 says “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.” These may not be gifts God has given you, but you can give in so many other ways. 

I would encourage you to spend time in prayer this week before our Commitment Sunday on November 22. Ask the Lord what He would have you do. The commitment cards we have talked about our financial giving, but it’s a lot more than just finances. It’s about having faith in the Lord and trusting Him for our provisions and our future. 

Write down the specifics of your commitment and sign it. Encourage each person in your family to do the same, and then post it somewhere in your home where you can be reminded of how you’re responding to God’s generosity toward you. I know that at the end of this journey, our hearts will be full and our world will be better for it.

Prayer: Abba Father, You have given us each so much. Let us use what You have first given us, and let us be cheerful givers as we fulfill Your plan for our lives. Let us give as freely to others as You freely gave to us salvation and love through Your Son, Jesus Christ. We ask this all in His Holy name. Amen.

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