Making Blind Investments

OCTOBER 7, 2020

By Karen Makishima, Director of Ohana Ministries

Ever wish that you could see what God is up to? If so, then we would know where to spend our time, energy, and resources.

In the book, “Experiencing God”, author Henry Blackaby encourages us to look to see where God is at work and then join Him there.  But sometimes we can’t see where God is at work. Sometimes we have to make an investment not knowing the outcome but trusting that God is at work. This is faith.

In Ohana Ministry our small group leaders show up each week (now over Zoom for our 4th thru 12th graders) making small investments or deposits into kids’ lives. We continue showing up to love on kids by seeking to really see them for who their Creator designed them to be, and then point them back to their Maker. Truth be told most times we don’t see if the investment is even working. Typically, kids don’t say, “Thank you for teaching us that biblical truth in such a relevant experiential way. This lesson will truly transform my life.” Or, “Thank you for praying for me this week or listening to me or just hanging out with me over Zoom.” But our small group leaders continue to show up to invest in our students trusting that God is at work.

Here is another story of how one man showed up in the life of a young person not knowing what the outcome would be.

A few years ago, I went with a small team on a mission trip to Swaziland (now called eSwatini). The purpose of the trip was to visit and help support the initiatives that Advocates for Africa’s Children (AFAC) was doing. At the end of our trip we attended AFAC’s board meeting. Heidi Lum (AFAC’s Executive Director & Founder) introduced me to the board and said that I was from Hawaii. Afterwards, a young man, native to eSwatini came up to me and asked, “Do you know …. (he gave me a man’s name) …?”

When I replied, “Yes, I do. He goes to my church!” The man’s smile covered his face. He said, “Please wait. I have to show you something.” He fumbled through his black binder and pulled out a piece of paper. The paper was his diploma showing that he had completed a degree from a university. He was so proud. He shared with me that this man from our church had paid for him to get his degree—something he could never afford. And then the pleased man said, “I love him.”

Our First Prez hero had no idea that this man in eSwatini would receive his generous investment with so much gratitude. This investor took a chance that this man would finish his schooling and make a difference for his community. He saw leadership abilities in him but he had no idea if his investment would pay off. Now, this man serves as a pastor in eSwatini.

I am so grateful for all those who take a chance by investing in others without knowing the dividend of their investment.

Matthew 6:19-21 says, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

 What investments are you making in others?  Here are a few ideas:

• Sponsor a Compassion child or a young adult to go to college

• Serve in Ohana Ministry as a small group leader

• Serve at the Hawaii Foodbank or The Pantry

Prayer: Father, help us to be wise when sharing our resources even when we don’t see when You are at work. Increase our faith. All things belong to You. Amen.

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