Lifeboat #14

OCTOBER 13, 2020

By David Chang, Director of Ministry Support


How many pieces are in a roll of Life Savers? Well, the next time you pick up a roll, check out how many candies there are in a full-size roll. Hold that thought.

For those of you who have attended an in-person service at First Prez or a function at Ko’olau Ballrooms (I know it seems like so long ago), you may remember that in our display case is a picture related to the sinking of the Titanic.

The sinking of the Titanic resulted in the loss of over 1,500 lives. However, 700 people survived.   Some of these fortunate ones were saved because of those in Lifeboat #14. The Titanic carried 20 lifeboats, which were quickly filled and lowered. All 20 boats furiously paddled away, fearing that they would be sucked down with the sinking ship. The sad fact was that most of these lifeboats were only partially filled due to the rush to flee, leaving many people behind screaming for help.

Nineteen boats ignored the screams and cries for help. But Lifeboat #14 did something different. Lifeboat #14 turned around and paddled back toward the screams and cries. Lifeboat #14 put down their fears and paddled back to the Titanic. They pulled people who otherwise would have drowned. Only Lifeboat #14 risked their own lives to go back and save others.

Today in the storm of the Covid-19 Pandemic and in the sinking of our economy, many of us reading this devotion are in a lifeboat. God has protected us from infection and has provided for our needs. But I am sure that by now, like me, you know of someone who has been infected, someone who has been out of work. And some of these others are in our church ohana.

I have also heard of others, some even in our church ohana, that are like those in Lifeboat #14.  They have sacrificed of their treasure to provide for others.  There are some who have sacrificed of their talents and time to volunteer at places like the Food Bank and the Food Pantry. God has put us in a lifeboat not just to save us, but for us to help save those around us.

So, here’s a challenge. Buy a roll of “Life Savers” and have it with you this week. Use it as a reminder that you have been saved to save others. Let it remind of those suffering around you.  

Remember the opening question? How many candies are in a roll of Life Savers?


There are 14!

And there is one more “14.” It is found in the second chapter of James, starting in verse 14:

What use is it, my dear family, if someone says they have faith when they don’t have works? Can faith save such a person? Supposing a brother or sister is without clothing, and is short even of daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace; be warm, be full!’ – but doesn’t give them what their bodies need – what use is that? In the same way, faith, all by itself and without works, is dead. (James 2:14-17, The Message Version).

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for putting me in a lifeboat. Send me Your Holy Spirit to open my ears to the cries of those around me. Give me the courage to step toward them. Grant me a generous heart to share with them what You have blessed me with. In the Name of the One who has blessed me to be a blessing, Jesus!

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