To Fear Or Not To Fear

OCTOBER 1, 2020

By Julie Lockyer, Schedule and Receptionist

Have you ever let fear control you? I know I have. I had a fear of flying. I didn’t realize how I let it control me until something happened in my life that opened my eyes to see how I let fear take hold of me.

I was talking to a friend about going on a cruise to Alaska. He told me his wife booked a cruise to Alaska and he went to make her happy. He didn’t think he would care for it but he was pleasantly surprised as to how much he enjoyed it. He encouraged me to book a cruise for me and my husband Bob. I spoke with Bob about it and he was willing to give it a try, so I went online and booked a balcony for two. I was really excited about the adventure that awaited.  

Well, the closer it got to making our final payment the more I realized that the only way to get there was to fly. I would need to get on a plane and fly over the ocean. I started to let my fear of flying take over. It got so bad I ended up canceling my vacation to Alaska.  

I didn’t think to much of it until one day I went to the dentist and ran into an old classmate. She started to tell me how she and her husband had just gotten back from an Alaskan cruise and how beautiful it was. She had so many wonderful things to say about her trip. It got me thinking that maybe I had made the wrong decision about canceling and I started having regrets about not going.

Not too long after I ran into her when I had a health scare. I needed to go through blood tests, have a CT Scan, then surgery. Fortunately, everything turned out to be fine. It got me thinking that had this turned out to be worse than it was, I would have missed out on Alaska. I didn’t want to have regrets about missing out on blessings because I was fearful! It made me sad thinking I let fear rule me.  

I decided I would never let the fear of flying control me ever again. I booked the cruise and my husband and I went on the best vacation ever. We had an amazing time. We got to see so many things that we would never see in Hawaii. I would have missed out on seeing the majestic glaciers, seals floating on icebergs, salmon spawning, and so many other glorious things Alaska had to show us.

Joshua 1:9 says “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord Your God will be with you wherever you go.”

I know God does not want us to be fearful. He wants us to trust in Him and give our fears to Him. I know I did and I am so glad I decided to choose love over fear!  

Lord, we know fear is not of You! I pray that we are able to give all our fears to You. Help us to trust You and turn to You in all that we do! In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen!

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